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    One of the many bright surprises of Scott Cooper's 2009 debut feature, "Crazy Heart," was how well the rookie filmmaker worked with actors. A near-indispensable step in the process is casting good actors to begin with, but the uniform excellence of the performances suggested a promising directorial sensibility. Mr. Cooper's second feature, which he wrote with Brad Ingelsby, makes good on that promise, and then some. The cast is, once again, extraordinary???Christian Bale, Casey Affleck and Woody Harrelson, along with Willem Dafoe, Sam Shepard, Zoe Saldana and Forest Whitaker???and these gifted people play their roles memorably. (Masanobu Takayanagi did the stunning cinematography.) But the film is as grim as it is impeccably crafted. I admired it ever more intensely until I realized I wasn't enjoying it so much as enduring its unremitting bleakness.