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    It is hoped that red squirrels' resistance to squirrelpox might prove similar to rabbits with myxomatosis, which initially killed around 98% of the rabbit population before the animal bounced back. But Chantrey said the outlook was less positive for red squirrels. The myxomatosis virus became less severe because it was, in effect, destroying itself by killing its rabbit host so effectively. With squirrelpox virus, there is no imperative for it to become less virulent to red squirrels because it lives within the grey squirrel population as well.
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    Chabane said 91 heads of state and government had confirmed their attendance by noon on Monday but dismissed predictions that officials would be overwhelmed. "For those who predict there will be chaos, we're used to it. It's not new."
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    The trunk, which stood just steps away from Lenin's tomb for two weeks, was supposed to host the six-week exhibition. The suitcase also blocked the view of the St. Basil's Cathedral from the square's entrance, enraging some politicians.
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    Russian media outlets speculated that the reshuffle was aimed at RIA Novosti's former director, Svetlana Mironyuk, who presided over the company's more objective coverage of massive anti-Putin protests sparked by a fraud-tainted parliamentary vote in 2011. While Mironyuk was said to be backed by some liberal figures in the Kremlin, that reportage received a more critical reception among its hawkish wing.
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    Manziel was the first last year. The Aggies quarterback is trying to join another exclusive Heisman club by becoming the second player to win the award twice. Ohio State's Archie Griffin won the award in 1974 and '75.