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Wii U games output at 720p, or 1280-by-720 pixels (update: it’s not a hard limit, that’s just where you’re going to see most titles land). That’s the resolution a preponderance of people’s flat-screens run natively in 2013, which means having a console that can output at 1080p (1920-by-1080 pixels) for these folks is pointless. Even if you??have a 1080p set, the Wii U’s games look fantastic upscaled (just like the Xbox One’s, many of which also run at 720p). Assuming you’re not a mindless, slavering graphics wonk, you’d probably agree that artful games trump visually muscular ones, bar none. Which would you rather play: a superlative new Zelda at 720p, or another military/aliens/post-apocalyptic-themed shooter in another near-future/dystopian/sci-fi setting where the story parses like the Cliffs Notes version of a Michael Bay movie at 1080p?