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    I'm in my first year at university reminyl galantamine I wouldn???t call the demand at Kensington and Chelsea Food Bank the Friday I visited ???infinite???. On the day it opened at the back of St Luke???s Church, Redcliffe Gardens in November 2012, the vicar, Adrian Beavis, wondered if anyone would show up. The congregation at St Luke???s had been collecting tins for the food bank nearest them, in the neighbouring borough of Hammersmith and Fulham, for about six months when they heard that a number of people from their own borough of Kensington and Chelsea were using it. A broom cupboard was cleared, more donations solicited (along with the tins of tomatoes and packs of nappies came caviar, loose-leaf Orange Pekoe tea in a suede pouch with tassels and handbag-sized bars of Green and Blacks chocolate) and the food bank opened. The first user was down to his last ?£3 and debating whether to spend it on himself or his cat when he heard he could get a voucher from his GP for the food bank. He wasn???t to know that the eccentric donors to the Kensington and Chelsea Food Bank had also given Whiskas.
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